• Ajari Jomyo Tanaka, Shingon Mikkyo 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2012
• performance of Japanese choir from Narita, with the presence of Reverend Shojin Hashimoto, head of Narita-san Shinshoji 2007
Buddhadharma began in ancient India with the teachings of the Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE) is usually recognized as an innovative teacher and genuine philosopher, and from a modern perspective as a pragmatic ethicist. Just as important, he was an active cultural reformist and social entrepreneur.
Buddhism has developed many forms in encounter with various cultures during 2.500 years of history. The essence of Buddhist traditions is being renewed today through the encounter with the West, which often challenges established philosophical, cultural and institutional conventions on both sides.
Esoteric Shingon Buddhism was introduced to Japan by Kukai (774-835), later known as Kobo Daishi. Our principal teacher Jomyo Tanaka is a Shingon priest, master of calligraphy, author and world traveler. Biography in English at Mandala Vermont, official website in Japanese.
More on Kukai and his thought: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/kukai/